2021 Emerald Emerging Markets Case Competition
The aim of this competition is to encourage and promote the development of high-quality teaching case material, which will be published in an upcoming special issue of the Emerging Markets Case Studies collection entitled: Chinese Firms in the midst of de-globalization and a global pandemic. The second purpose of this competition is to use the best case to run an international student case competition, sponsored by International Case Research Association.
To view the special issue call for papers, go to: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/emcs/chinese-firms-midst-de-globalization-and-a-global-pandemic
The prize fund for the best case is C$1,000
The prize fund for international student case competition is C$4000
Compulsory submission criteria
- All cases should be teaching cases based on a real situation in a real company, with a clear decision-making situation, and prepared in accordance with case writing guidelines provided in the instructional materials below.
- Academic (research) cases will not be accepted for evaluation by the jury.
- Case studies submitted should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form or be under consideration for publication in any ISSN/ ISBN-registered publication or with any other case-centre.
- Cases will be automatically entered into the peer review process. Selected cases will be published in Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies collection (ISSN 2045-0621). By participating in the competition, you are automatically agreeing to having your case study published in EMCS, provided it is accepted for publication after peer review and rounds of revision (if required).
- All case studies must be accompanied by a consent to publish release form which has been completed and signed by the management of the company or individuals included in the case.
- Please consult the competition evaluation checklist before submitting your case.
Enter the competition
Entries should be submitted to the ‘Chinese Firms in the midst of de-globalization and a global pandemic’ special issue in the Emerging Markets Case Studies collection (EMCS) submission site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/eemcs
All cases must be prepared in accordance with the Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies collection (EMCS) author guidelines. Page two of the guidelines contains instructions on submitting through ScholarOne Manuscripts.
The following documents must be submitted:
- Case title page
- Case
- Case teaching note
- Case release document from the management of the company or individuals included in the case (see Consent to Publish Form)
Please note:
Permissions documentation must be supplied for any content that is not of your own making, including tables and figures from other sources. Please read our permissions guidelines.
Full Harvard-style referencing must be used for secondary data sources.
Important dates
Case submission deadline: November 1st, 2021
Guidance materials for authors
For extensive guidance on preparing a successful case, please see our EMCS author resources and our Cases Learning Hub.
We reserve the right to publish the cases submitted for the competition. If the editorial team of our Emerging Markets Case Studies collection would like to publish a case submission, the editor will contact you with an offer to do so.
If we have not contacted you about publishing your case within twelve months of the submission deadline, we will waive its first claim to publication, and you will be free to submit your case to another publication.
In the event of publication, you will retain the academic freedom to contribute to the wider distribution and readership of your work. This includes the right to use your work as part of their own teaching.
Read about your author rights.
Follow up International Student Case Competition
Please note that all cases submitted to the competition will be considered for inclusion in an International Student Case Competition, led by the International Case Research Association, which will take place the week commencing 11th November 2021. This annual international student case competition is a unique opportunity for 10 teams (each 4 student members) from top business schools worldwide to compete with each other by presenting their solutions for real-life business cases from Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies. Along with boosting their professional skills, participants also receive an incredible opportunity to discover the business trends in emerging markets and meet with senior academics and industry leaders. During this international student case competition two real-life business cases are to be solved, consisting of one 12-hour case and one 24-hour case. The competition will be held online and please register in your team online by November 1 2021 to get a free registration. The Best Team will be awarded C$2000 (one team), the second prize will be C$1000 (one team) and the third prize will be C$500 (two teams).
If you would be interested in learning more about this international student case competition, please visit caseresearch.org or contact info@caseresearch.org