ICRA organizes case-related events and competitions annually with leading academic organizations

Certified Assist. Case Researcher
ICRA will introduce a new professional career path to young graduates from IvyBiz Case Debate chapter schools who are interested in industry research, case interview and case publishing. ICRA will also collaborate with case research centers world-wide to provide interns and coops opportunity to the Certified Assist. Case Researcher. View

Best Case Brand Award, BCBA
ICRA will present a special award-Best Case Brand Award, BCBA to nominated business brands who proactively contribute to the case research and the case publishing. We will invite both case researchers and case learners to vote for the BCBA award at IvyBiz Case Debate website. View website

IvyBiz Case Debate
ICRA will invite its member schools and its affiliate student clubs to participate the world first case-based debate competition. We also provide exclusive pathway to Certified Assist. Case Researcher workshop to IvyBiz Case Debaters. View website